In this episode, Chloe plays us some great stuff from the Brilliant Corners, Jack Rubies, Lone Cowboys, and Our Daughter's Wedding.
#64 - Dinosaurs!!!!
In this episode, Chloe plays some great tunes from Uptown Bones, The Stick Men, Book of Love and Bunnydrums.
#63 - I Don't Have Shoes
In this episode, Chloe plays The Mo-dettes, The Names, Shox Lumania and Screen Test.
#62 - “The crap I picked up this one time”
Chloe delves into “some crap I picked up this one time”, featuring The Seventy Sevens, Our Favorite Band, the Lime Spiders, and Cafe Jacques.
#61 - Unbeatable
In this episode, Chloe gets kind of rural and talks about The Raunch Hands, The Escape Club, The Chiefs of Relief, and The Beat Farmers.
#60 - Dogs, Birds, and Other Things
In this episode, Chloe talks about Hounds, Hawks, Great Buildings, End Over End, and Eye To Eye. Sorry for the absence, a crashed hard drive meant no episode for a few weeks, but we're back on track now to bring you awesome music, currated by Chloe!
#59 - 2016 IN REVIEW
Chloe wraps up 2016 with a review of the year, her Top 5 albums, people who died, and shows she went to, featuring David Bowie, Wymond Miles, Meat Loaf, Moby, Crocodiles, plus Ringo Deathstarr and The Damned
Chloe celebrates XMAS, the only way she knows how.
#57 - Power Pop/New Wave records Chloe likes...
We check out some Power Pop/New Wave records Chloe likes, including The Vapors, The Elektrics, Code Blue, Hilly Michaels, and The Producers
#56 - DJ DJ
Chloe practices her Dj skills
#55 - From the Land Down Under
Chloe explores the land of kangaroos, featuring Australian Crawl, Men at Work, Mental as Anything, the Joysticks, the Stems, the Saints, and the Swingers.
#54 - BLACK FRIDAY 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chloe goes over the best reasons to come out to Siren's BLACK FRIDAY SALE
#53 - The Reivers and Rubber Rodeo
Chloe goes in depth on The Reivers and Rubber Rodeo!
#52 - Streetheart & Scruffy the Cat
Chloe goes in depth on Streetheart and Scruffy the Cat
#51 - On the Floor
Chloe is back with new records, everything in this episode is now on the floor at Siren Records!
#50 - It's #50! And it's all about Chloe!
Chloe celebrates her 50th episode by...talking mainly about herself.
#49 - From The Racks
Chloe explores more of what Siren Records racks has to offer!
#48 More Stuff Record Store Employees Like
Chloe learns about more stuff a typical record store employee should like, based on coworker suggestions, featuring Guided By Voices, Yo La Tengo, Superchunk, Dinosaur Jr., Sebadoh, and Iron and Wine
#47 Chloe Talks A Lot
In this episode Chloe talks...a whole lot. Plus Pugwash and Chain of Flowers!
#46 - Stuff Record Store Employees Like
Chloe gets some recommendations from fellow record store employees, and tries out a whole new way of criticising songs, let us know what you think! Featuring: Neutral Milk Hotel, Built to Spill, Teenage Fanclub, Modest Mouse, Pavement, and Sonic Youth